Results for 'Erica Lillian Kathryn'

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  1.  19
    Ideology and Culture in Seventeenth-Century France.Kathryn Hoffmann & Erica Harth - 1985 - Substance 14 (1):94.
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    From Pioneers to Professionals.Sonali S. Parnami, Katherine Y. Lin, Kathryn Bondy Fessler, Erica Blom, Matthew Sullivan & Raymond G. de Vries - 2012 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 21 (1):104-115.
    Bioethics has made remarkable progress as a scholarly and applied field. A mere fledgling in the 1960s, it is now firmly established in hospitals, medical schools, and government agencies and boasts a number of professional associations and a handsome collection of journals.
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  3. Being a Black Woman Philosopher: Reflections on Founding the Collegium of Black Women Philosophers.Kathryn T. Gines - 2011 - Hypatia 26 (2):429-437.
    Although the American Philosophical Association has more than 11,000 members, there are still fewer than 125 Black philosophers in the United States, including fewer than thirty Black women holding a PhD in philosophy and working in a philosophy department in the academy.1The following is a “musing” about how I became one of them and how I have sought to create a positive philosophical space for all of us.
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  4. Induction, overhypotheses, and the shape bias: Some arguments and evidence for rational constructivism.Fei Xu, Kathryn Dewar & Amy Perfors - 2009 - In Bruce M. Hood & Laurie R. Santos, The origins of object knowledge. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 263--284.
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  5. Knowers/Doers and Their Moral Problems.Kathryn Pyne Addelson - 1992 - In Linda Alcoff & Elizabeth Potter, Feminist Epistemologies. New York: Routledge.
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  6. Black Feminism and Intersectional Analyses.Kathryn T. Gines - 2011 - Philosophy Today 55 (Supplement):275-284.
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    Conceptual complexity and the bias/variance tradeoff.Erica Briscoe & Jacob Feldman - 2011 - Cognition 118 (1):2-16.
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  8. Self in time and language.Erica Cosentino - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (3):777-783.
    Time has been considered a crucial factor in distinguishing between two levels of self-awareness: the “core,” or “minimal self,” and the “extended,” or “narrative self.” Herein, I focus on this last concept of the self and, in particular, on the relationship between the narrative self and language. In opposition to the claim that the narrative self is a linguistic construction, my idea is that it is created by the functioning of mental time travel, that is, the faculty of human beings (...)
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    Lawyers, Clients and Friends: A Case Study of the Vexed Nature of Friendship and Lawyering.Kieran Tranter & Lillian Corbin - 2008 - Legal Ethics 11 (1):67-84.
  10. Discrimination and bias in the vegan ideal.Kathryn Paxton George - 1994 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 7 (1):19-28.
    The vegan ideal is entailed by arguments for ethical veganism based on traditional moral theory (rights and/or utilitarianism) extended to animals. The most ideal lifestyle would abjure the use of animals or their products for food since animals suffer and have rights not to be killed. The ideal is discriminatory because the arguments presuppose a male physiological norm that gives a privileged position to adult, middle-class males living in industrialized countries. Women, children, the aged, and others have substantially different nutritional (...)
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  11. Comparative and Competing Frameworks of Oppression in Simone de Beauvoir’s The Second Sex.Kathryn T. Gines - 2014 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 35 (1-2):251-273.
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    Geosocial Strata.Kathryn Yusoff - 2017 - Theory, Culture and Society 34 (2-3):105-127.
    The Anthropocene marks a moment of wild destratification of the planet that requires analysis of the relations between geologic forces and social practices. Deleuze and Guattari’s concept of strata is examined in order to develop a geophilosophy for the Anthropocene. Establishing a model of strata that conjoins earth and social flows together into planes of interrelated production highlights how the fossil substratum subtends contemporary forms of social relations. Stratifications, it is argued, are planes of social reproduction that both constrain and (...)
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  13. “The Penny Drops”: Investigating Insight Through the Medium of Cryptic Crosswords.Kathryn J. Friedlander & Philip A. Fine - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Rendered invisible? The absent presence of egg providers in U.K. debates on the acceptability of research and therapy for mitochondrial disease.Ken Taylor & Erica Haimes - 2015 - Monash Bioethics Review 33 (4):360-378.
    Techniques for resolving some types of inherited mitochondrial diseases have recently been the subject of scientific research, ethical scrutiny, media coverage and regulatory initiatives in the UK. Building on research using eggs from a variety of providers, scientists hope to eradicate maternally transmitted mutations in mitochondrial DNA by transferring the nuclear DNA of a fertilised egg, created by an intending mother at risk of transmitting mitochondrial disease, and her male partner, into an enucleated egg provided by another woman. In this (...)
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    Goal attributions and instrumental helping at 14 and 24 months of age.Kathryn Hobbs & Elizabeth Spelke - 2015 - Cognition 142 (C):44-59.
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    The Nautilus, the Halycon, and Selenaia: Callimachus's "Epigram" 5 Pf. = 14 G. - P.Kathryn Gutzwiller - 1992 - Classical Antiquity 11 (2):194-209.
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    Ambiguity and the truth definition.Kathryn Pyne Parsons - 1973 - Noûs 7 (4):379-394.
  18. “Why use an ox-Cleaver to carve a chicken?” The sociology of the junzi ideal in the lunyu.Erica Brindley - 2009 - Philosophy East and West 59 (1):pp. 47-70.
    Central to Confucian teachings in the Analects is the ideal of self-cultivation—in particular that of the junzi 君子 (“gentleman” “nobleman”) ideal. At the same time that Confucius recommends that individuals follow such an ideal, he also places limits on who actually might attain it. By examining statements involving such terms as the junzi, the “petty man” ( xiao ren 小人), and the “masses” ( min 民, or zhong 眾), or common people, this essay highlights the sociopolitical and gender restrictions informing (...)
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    Refleksjonsgrupper i etikk: «Pusterom» eller læringsarena?Siri Tønnessen, Lillian Lillemoen & Elisabeth Gjerberg - 2016 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1 (1):75-90.
    Siden 2007 har HOD og KS satset store ressurser på prosjektet «Samarbeid om etisk kompetanseheving» i kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenester. Hensikten med prosjektet har vært å heve de ansattes etiske kompetanse, og ett av de iverksatte tiltakene har vært å etablere refleksjonsgrupper i etikk. Denne artikkelen er basert på en evaluering av arbeidet i refleksjonsgruppene med fokus på hvordan etikkveilederen, også kalt fasilitator, beskriver arbeidet i gruppene. Hensikten med studien var å utvikle kunnskap om hvordan arbeidet med etikk-refleksjon foregår, samt (...)
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  20. Constructing and validating a scale of inquisitive curiosity.Kathryn Iurino, Brian Robinson, Markus Christen, Paul Stey & Mark Alfano - 2018 - In Ilhan Inan, Lani Watson, Dennis Whitcomb & Safiye Yigit, The Moral Psychology of Curiosity. Rowman & Littlefield International.
    We advance the understanding of the philosophy and psychology of curiosity by operationalizing and constructing an empirical measure of Nietzsche’s conception of inquisitive curiosity, expressed by the German term Wissbegier, (“thirst for knowledge” or “need/impetus to know”) and Neugier (“curiosity” or “inquisitiveness”). First, we show that existing empirical measures of curiosity do not tap the construct of inquisitive curiosity, though they may tap related constructs such as idle curiosity and phenomenological curiosity. Next, we map the concept of inquisitive curiosity and (...)
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  21. Fanon and Sartre 50 years later - to retain or reject the concept of race.Kathryn T. Gines - 2003 - Sartre Studies International 9 (2):55-67.
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    A study of chord preference in a group of Negro college women.Oran W. Eagleson & Lillian E. Taylor - 1940 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 26 (6):619.
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    Abstract of “More Blacks on Boards of Fortune 500 Companies”.Lloyd D. Elgart & Lillian Schanfield - 1983 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 2 (4):93-93.
    In spite of heralded progress in civil rights, this paper pessimistically maintains that blacks are systematically excluded from directorships on the boards of the major industrial companies in this country. The statistics derived from a 1980 survey, which yielded responses from 143 companies, show that blacks constituted only 1.9 percent of the entire directorate pool, with no black chairmen, no company with more than one black director, and significantly high multiple-board service on the part of a few black directors. There (...)
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  24. (1 other version)Erydicean Revolt and Metam-Orphic Writing in Arendt and Kristeva.Sarah Kathryn Marshall - 2017 - In Sarah K. Hansen & Rebecca Tuvel, New Forms of Revolt: Kristeva’s Intimate Politics. SUNY Press.
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    Microdramas: Crucibles for Theatre and Time by John H. Muse.Erica O'Neill - 2019 - Substance 48 (2):126-130.
    John H. Muse's Microdramas: Crucibles for Theatre and Time examines the production of short plays across the history of Western theatre practice, from the late-nineteenth century to contemporary performance. Categorizing plays shorter than twenty minutes as microdramas, Muse does not insist on a new term for a theatrical subgenre, but provides an ideal working title for the study of brief theatre: a study which, until now, has been largely overlooked in literary theoretical analyses on theatre. Muse shows us how the (...)
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    The neuroscience of observing consciousness & mirror neurons in therapeutic hypnosis.Ernest L. Rossi & Kathryn L. Rossi - 2006 - American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis 48 (4):263-278.
  27. The New Economics of Human Behaviour.Mariano Tommasi & Kathryn Ierulli (eds.) - 1995 - Cambridge University Press.
    This 1995 volume views important social and political issues through the eyes of economists. Pioneered by Gary Becker, this approach asserts that all actions, whether working, playing, dating, or mating, have economic motivations and consequences, and can be analysed using economic reasoning. Intended as an introduction to the current state of the field, the essays are informal and non-technical, while still using up-to-date economic reasoning to illuminate such topics as crime, marriage, discrimination, immigration, fads and fashions. The expanding domain of (...)
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    Representing Whom? U.K. Health Consumer and Patients’ Organizations in the Policy Process.Rob Baggott & Kathryn L. Jones - 2018 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (3):341-349.
    This paper draws on nearly two decades of research on health consumer and patients’ organizations in the United Kingdom. In particular, it addresses questions of representation and legitimacy in the health policy process. HCPOs claim to represent the collective interests of patients and others such as relatives and carers. At times they also make claims to represent the wider public interest. Employing Pitkin’s classic typology of formalistic, descriptive, symbolic, and substantive representation, the paper explores how and in what sense HCPOs (...)
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  29. Teaching Philosophy through a Role-Immersion Game.Kathryn E. Joyce, Andy Lamey & Noel Martin - 2018 - Teaching Philosophy 41 (2):175-98.
    A growing body of research suggests that students achieve learning outcomes at higher rates when instructors use active-learning methods rather than standard modes of instruction. To investigate how one such method might be used to teach philosophy, we observed two classes that employed Reacting to the Past, an educational role-immersion game. We chose to investigate Reacting because role-immersion games are considered a particularly effective active-learning strategy. Professors who have used Reacting to teach history, interdisciplinary humanities, and political theory agree that (...)
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    Participant Reactions to a Literacy-Focused, Web-Based Informed Consent Approach for a Genomic Implementation Study.Stephanie A. Kraft, Kathryn M. Porter, Devan M. Duenas, Claudia Guerra, Galen Joseph, Sandra Soo-Jin Lee, Kelly J. Shipman, Jake Allen, Donna Eubanks, Tia L. Kauffman, Nangel M. Lindberg, Katherine Anderson, Jamilyn M. Zepp, Marian J. Gilmore, Kathleen F. Mittendorf, Elizabeth Shuster, Kristin R. Muessig, Briana Arnold, Katrina A. B. Goddard & Benjamin S. Wilfond - 2021 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 12 (1):1-11.
    Background: Clinical genomic implementation studies pose challenges for informed consent. Consent forms often include complex language and concepts, which can be a barrier to diverse enrollment, and these studies often blur traditional research-clinical boundaries. There is a move toward self-directed, web-based research enrollment, but more evidence is needed about how these enrollment approaches work in practice. In this study, we developed and evaluated a literacy-focused, web-based consent approach to support enrollment of diverse participants in an ongoing clinical genomic implementation study. (...)
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  31. The Philosophy of Behavioral Biology.Kathryn Plaisance & Thomas A. C. Reydon - 2012 - In Kathryn S. Plaisance & Thomas A. C. Reydon, Philosophy of Behavioral Biology (Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science). Springer. pp. 3-24.
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    Variants of multi-relational semantics for propositional non-normal modal logics.Erica Calardo & Antonino Rotolo - 2014 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 24 (4):293-320.
    A number of significant contributions in the last four decades show that non-normal modal logics can be fruitfully employed in several applied fields. Well-known domains are epistemic logic, deontic logic, and systems capturing different aspects of action and agency such as the modal logic of agency, concurrent propositional dynamic logic, game logic, and coalition logic. Semantics for such logics are traditionally based on neighbourhood models. However, other model-theoretic semantics can be used for this purpose. Here, we systematically study multi-relational structures, (...)
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    The Taiyi shengshui 太一生水 Cosmogony and Its Role in Early Chinese Thought.Erica Brindley - 2019 - In Shirley Chan, Dao Companion to the Excavated Guodian Bamboo Manuscripts. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 153-162.
    The Taiyi shengshui 太一生水 is one of only a few texts in the early Chinese corpus to present a detailed cosmogony, one that traces the beginnings of the cosmos back to a variety of spiritual and natural forces, such as the divinity Taiyi and water. My primary question in this chapter is not to ask what that cosmogony was, but why such a cosmogonic text might have been written in the first place. Why in particular did authors in Warring States (...)
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    Human Agency and the Ideal of Shang Tong (Upward Conformity) in Early Mohist Writings.Erica Brindley - 2007 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 34 (3):409-425.
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    Skirting the Issue: Lesbian Fashion for the 1990s.Kathryn Perry & Inge Blackman - 1990 - Feminist Review 34 (1):67-78.
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    Reflections on the legacy and future of the continental tradition with regard to the critical philosophy of race.Kathryn T. Gines - 2012 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 50 (2):329-344.
    The legacy and future of continental philosophy with regard to the critical philosophy of race can be seen in prominent canonical philosophical figures, the scholarship of contemporary philosophers, and recent edited collections and book series. The following reflections highlight some (though certainly not all) of the contacts and overlaps between a select number of continental philosophers and the critical philosophy of race. In particular, I consider how the continental tradition has contributed to the development of the critical philosophy of race (...)
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  37. “I don’t want the responsibility:” The moral implications of avoiding dependency relations with companion animals.Kathryn J. Norlock - 2017 - In Norlock Kathryn J., Pets and People: The Ethics of Our Relationships with Companion Animals. pp. 80-94.
    I argue that humans have moral relationships with dogs and cats that they could adopt, but do not. The obligations of those of us who refrain from incurring particular relationships with dogs and cats are correlative with the power of persons with what Jean Harvey calls “interactive power,” the power to take the initiative in and direct the course of a relationship. I connect Harvey’s points about interactive power to my application of Eva Kittay’s “dependency critique,” to show that those (...)
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    Analyzing the resting state functional connectivity in the human language system using near infrared spectroscopy.Behnam Molavi, Lillian May, Judit Gervain, Manuel Carreiras, Janet F. Werker & Guy A. Dumont - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  39. Why the (gene) counting argument fails in the massive modularity debate: The need for understanding gene concepts and genotype-phenotype relationships.Kathryn S. Plaisance, Thomas A. C. Reydon & Mehmet Elgin - 2012 - Philosophical Psychology 25 (6):873-892.
    A number of debates in philosophy of biology and psychology, as well as in their respective sciences, hinge on particular views about the relationship between genotypes and phenotypes. One such view is that the genotype-phenotype relationship is relatively straightforward, in the sense that a genome contains the ?genes for? the various traits that an organism exhibits. This leads to the assumption that if a particular set of traits is posited to be present in an organism, there must be a corresponding (...)
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    Tradição alimentar: elemento de emancipação frente a mecanismos globais de dominação.Ana Claudia Guske & Erica Karnopp - 2016 - Ágora – Revista de História e Geografia 18 (1):156.
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    Education, Welfare Reform and Psychological Well-Being: A Critical Psychology Perspective.Laura Anne Winter, Erica Burman, Terry Hanley, Afroditi Kalambouka & Lauren Mccoy - 2016 - British Journal of Educational Studies 64 (4):467-483.
    There are established links between education and well-being, and between poverty and education. This article draws on interviews with parents of school-aged children impacted by a policy in the UK commonly referred to as the ‘bedroom tax’. A critical psychology perspective to education is put forward, acknowledging the complex interrelationships between psychological well-being, sociopolitical factors and education.
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  42. The atrocity paradigm applied to environmental evils.Kathryn Norlock - 2004 - Ethics and the Environment 9 (1):85-93.
    I am persuaded both by the theory of evil advanced by Claudia Card in The Atrocity Paradigm and by the idea that there are evils done to the environment; however, I argue that the theory of evil she describes has difficulty living up to her claim that it "can make sense of ecological evils the victims of which include trees and even ecosystems" (2002, 16). In this paper, I argue that Card's account of evil does not accommodate the kinds of (...)
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    Ingegneria delle infrastrutture viventi: l'economia biopolitica delle architetture di pioppo nell'Antropocene.Erica Borg & Amedeo Policante - 2024 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 35 (69):89-112.
    Nel contesto della presente crisi climatica ed ambientale, istituzioni pubbliche e private promuovono la costruzione di ‘infrastrutture viventi’. L’articolo analizza l’economia biopolitica che caratterizza questi progetti, concentrandosi sull’infrastrutturalizzazione del pioppo: un genus botanico ampiamente utilizzato come ‘barriera contro la desertificazione’, ‘struttura di fitorisanamento’, e ‘pozzo di assorbimento di anidride carbonica’. Questi progetti mobilizzano il metabolismo della cellula vivente, dando forma a nuove reti di potere bio-infrastrutturale ed elaborate strategie di accumulazione del capitale.
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    The Role of Law Enforcement in Coercive Psychiatric Interventions.Kathryn Petrozzo - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (12):115-116.
    Practitioners of psychiatry rely on techniques to influence and aid service users in making decisions regarding their treatment. However, these techniques, referred to as treatment pressures, can o...
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  45. Unintended Consequences or Pre-existing Barriers? A Commentary on Barnhill and Devine.Kathryn MacKay - 2018 - Public Health Ethics 11 (3):phy010.
    In this case discussion, Barnhill and Devine collect and present a significant amount of recent research on the various reasons why people struggle to succeed in weight loss programmes. Specifically, the authors focus on what they call ‘behavioural weight loss interventions’, which are ‘research, clinical or public health efforts to promote individual healthy eating and physical activity behaviours’. As defined, this is a very broad category of interventions and presumably includes all kinds of dieting and weight loss programmes or promotion (...)
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    Personal Intentionalism and the Understanding of Emotion Experience.Sarah Arnaud & Kathryn Pendoley - 2023 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 30 (7):61-87.
    How should we seek to account for the qualitative aspect of emotion? Strong intentionalism presents one promising avenue for such an account. According to strong intentionalism, the phenomenology of a mental state is entirely determined by that state's intentional content. Given that many views of the emotions have it that the intentionality and phenomenology of the emotions are very closely related, this makes strong intentionalism an especially promising route. However, strong intentionalism has rarely been defended for emotions and, we argue, (...)
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    Psychedelic Crystals in Cinema: Opening Virtual Dimensions and Potential Healing.Erica Biolchini - 2023 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 17 (4):506-525.
    This article proposes a different aesthetic state of Gilles Deleuze’s crystal-image defined as ‘psychedelic crystal’, a formation of the crystalline regime in light of the contemporary revival of scientific research exploring the healing potentialities of hallucinogenic drugs. The proposition of the psychedelic crystal occurs between Deleuze’s crystals of time, the therapeutic dimension of psychedelics, and Siegfried Kracauer’s concept of redemption (as salvation) through the cinematic medium. What lies in the middle of this encounter is a shared understanding of media – (...)
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    Differences in Degree-not-Kind-of Responsibility within Conversational Artificial Intelligence.Kathryn Huber - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (5):31-32.
    Sedlakova and Trachsel (hereafter referred to as “the authors”) argue that conversational artificial intelligence (CAI) in psychotherapy presents an ethical challenge as a tool with aspects of agen...
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    Moral and nonmoral innate constraints.Kathryn Paxton George - 1992 - Biology and Philosophy 7 (2):189-202.
    Charles J. Lumsden and E.O. Wilson, in their writings together and individually, have proposed that human behaviors, whether moral or nonmoral, are governed by innate constraints (which they have termed epigenetic rules). I propose that if a genetic component of moral behavior is to be discovered, some sorting out of specifically moral from nonmoral innate constraints will be necessary. That some specifically moral innate constraits exist is evidenced by virtuous behaviors exhibited in nonhuman mammals, whose behavior is usually granted to (...)
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    Sustainability and the moral community.Kathryn Paxton George - 1992 - Agriculture and Human Values 9 (4):48-57.
    Three views of sustainability are juxtaposed with four views about who the members of the moral community are. These provide points of contact for understanding the moral issues in sustainability. Attention is drawn to the preferred epistemic methods of the differing factions arguing for sustainability. Criteria for defining membership in the moral community are explored; rationality and capacity for pain are rejected as consistent criteria. The criterion of having interests is shown to be most coherent for explaining why all living (...)
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